I was born in 1974 in Koper, Slovenia. I have a Master's degree from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design,
University of Ljubljana (majoring in photography). This year I started my PhD at the Faculty of
Architecture, University of Ljubljana. In photography, I am interested in addressing the wider society
on contemporary issues and the ability or capacity of art to represent these issues. The relationship
and difference between the original and the copy was the trigger for me to re-construct my own visual
language. The basic building block of the artworks is a randomly selected part of a photograph. I
combines these selected building blocks into new works of art. Then I intervene in the work with other
artistic practices such as painting, architecture, calligraphy or sculpture.
It is not a representation of the exterior, but a completely new construct that has nothing to do with the
real world. It starts from a blank point and fills it with building blocks that do not represent, but build a
University of Ljubljana (majoring in photography). This year I started my PhD at the Faculty of
Architecture, University of Ljubljana. In photography, I am interested in addressing the wider society
on contemporary issues and the ability or capacity of art to represent these issues. The relationship
and difference between the original and the copy was the trigger for me to re-construct my own visual
language. The basic building block of the artworks is a randomly selected part of a photograph. I
combines these selected building blocks into new works of art. Then I intervene in the work with other
artistic practices such as painting, architecture, calligraphy or sculpture.
It is not a representation of the exterior, but a completely new construct that has nothing to do with the
real world. It starts from a blank point and fills it with building blocks that do not represent, but build a
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Rodil sem se leta 1974 v Kopru v Sloveniji. Magistriral sem na Akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje, Univerze v Ljubljani (smer fotografija). Letos sem začel doktorski študij na Fakulteti za arhitekture Univerze v Ljubljani. V fotografiji me zanima nagovarjanje širše družbe o sodobnih vprašanjih in sposobnost ali zmožnost umetnosti, da ta vprašanja predstavi. Odnos in razlika med originalom in kopijo sta bila povod za to, da sem na novo konstruiral svoj lastni vizualni jezik. Osnovni gradnik umetniških del je naključno izbran del fotografije. Tako izbrane gradnike združujem v nova umetniška dela. Nato v delo posežem z drugimi umetniškimi praksami, kot so slikarstvo, arhitektura, kaligrafija ali kiparstvo. Ne gre za upodobitev zunanjosti, temveč za povsem nov konstrukt, ki nima nič skupnega z resničnim svetom. Izhaja iz prazne točke in jo zapolnjuje z gradniki, ki ne predstavljajo, temveč gradijo novo.
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