Object "Wall"

I encountered an event that caused strong feelings in me two years ago. During the election campaign, Donald Trump, then candidate for the United States of America, underlined that, in the event of his election, he would put a wall on the border with Mexico that would prevent the free movement of people across the border. Even today, it is interesting to me to follow the responses of the world's media, who are mostly scoffed at Donald Trump's idea and condemn him, but they don’t do nothing to stop his actions.
The same applies to Slovenia and Slovenes. Through all social networks, it is possible to observe a  mockery of the US President Donald Trump's plan to build the American-Mexican wall and generally all of us we forget that such a wall / fence / barbed wire is on our southern border. In a way, we could say that the American fence is more humane than the Slovenian border wire.
The "Wall" object is an obstacle, which with its physical appearance and its institutionalism prevents the passage of sound from one side to the other, but at the same time it is completely porous, since the sound, whatever we try to curtail, limit and direct, always finds its way.
I began to wonder what an individual is experiencing, seeing and hearing when he is placed in front of the border wire / fence / wall. For this reason, I often walked along the border wire on our southern border and began to record the initial views of the other side of the border wire, and later only the sound.
Movements in society only happens if the individual is activated.
With my work, I want to be in direct contact with the viewer, and the presence and the interaction of the viewer with my work, makes my work complete. To achieve this, the viewer must approach the wall and perceive the various audio tracks / clips / landscapes that the object contains.
Objekt »Zid«

Na dogodek, ki je v meni izzvala močne občutke, sem naletel pred dvema letoma. Takratni kandidat za predsednika Združenih držav Amerike Donald Trump je v času svoje volilne kampanje izpostavljal, da bo v primeru izvolitve postavil zid na meji z Mehiko, ki bo preprečeval prosti pretok ljudi čez  mejo. Še danes mi je zanimivo spremljati odzive svetovnih medijev, ki se v večini zgražajo nad idejo Donalda Trumpa in ga obsojajo, a vendar prav nič ne storijo, da bi njegova dejanja preprečili. 
Enako velja za Slovenijo in Slovence. Po vseh družbenih omrežjih je moč zaslediti zgražanje in posmehovanje načrtu ameriškega predsednika Donalda Trumpa o graditvi ameriško-mehiškega zidu in na splošno pozabljanje, da prav tak zid/ograja/bodeča žica krasi našo južno mejo. Na nek način bi lahko rekli, da je ameriška ograja bolj humana od slovenske bodeče žice. 
Objekt »Zid« je prepreka, ki s svojo fizično pojavo in svojo institucionalnostjo preprečuje prehod zvoka  iz ene strani na drugo stran, a hkrati je popolnoma porozen, ker zvok, kakorkoli ga poskušamo krotiti, omejevati in usmerjati, vedno najde svojo pot.
Začel sem se spraševati, kaj posameznik doživlja, vidi in sliši, ko se postavi pred bodečo žico/ograjo/zid. Prav zaradi tega sem se večkrat sprehodil ob bodeči žici na naši južni meji in začel beležiti sprva poglede na drugo stran bodeče žice, kasneje pa samo še zvok.
Premiki v družbi se zgodijo šele, če se posameznik aktivira.
S svojim delom si želim biti v neposrednem kontaktu z gledalcem in sama navzočnost ter interakcija gledalca z mojim delom, naredi moje delo zaključeno. Da bi to dosegel, se mora gledalec približati zidu in zaznati različne zvočne sledi/posnetke/krajine, ki jih objekt vsebuje.

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